Work Page 11-2020
Lance's 1949 Martin 0-15

Repair as needed to play
Instrument came to me with no top or fingerboard
Fabricate Fingerboard-Rosewood (Allen Guitar)
Fabricate Honduras Mahigany top with rosette (LMI)
Rebuild (not replace) broken side 
Install kerfing where needed
Install new tuners
Install pickguard
Sequence #1
Sequence #2
Sequence #3
Sequence 4
  Sequence 5
I have some dialing in to do, but I am as close as I could have hoped to be.
Thanks to a few important tools and a little experience beforehand, I may survive this build.
Much anxiety today on the initial string up, and now it needs to be under tension so I get to sweat that out a few days.
Then on to final adjustments.
I think that it would have been better to use a non slotted or drilled bridge in retrospect.

Very difficult to use the tool in one that is precut.
Even with the scale setting tool, its off by like 1/2 semitone on 4 strings and 3/4 semitone on 2
That I can handle , by compensating the saddle so not too much grief.
The neck set seems good, but I have a minor deflection towards the bass side so the low E string is 1/64 closer to the edge than the high E.

The top deflecton seems good, not too much belly.
Considering I had no top to start with that I could measure under tension, that was a crapshoot that rolled a decent number.
Again, pretty close not to have any of the factory style jigs that make for a more precise assembly.
So I will have to get creative with the bridge pin holes by refilling them, and re-drilling them 1/64" to the treble side.
Then I will ream them and that will be that.
Again, on this predrill bridge, they may have been offset from the maker, or  I could have just missed the mark.
So far, alot of things have gone well, and a few things need addressing.

So if the bridge doesnt fly off in the next 3 days, we will be thinking about ordering a nice case for it.
I want it to go back to Lance as something that was worthy of his money and our combined efforts.
Sequence  6
After a few days of seeing where it ended up, I decided to make a "move"
I just could not satisfy myself with adjustments, so I will reset the neck.
This time, with the body complete, I should have a better outcome.
I thought that it would pull up as it should but it did not.
These are things that happen in projects such as this.
So with pride, I show that reversal now.
If you cannot face the fact that you are human, and will err...stay out of this line of work.
Sequence  7 
This was one of the biggest challenges in my repair career.
I hope that Lance can get some hours on it making music after many years of carrying it around , hoping to do just that.
Thanks for looking, sharing and weathering the storm with me.
Semper Fi Pardner, its been great working with you!